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Jumat, 30 September 2011


BIG SWEATERS - welcome friends, how are you today? ... hopefully healthy ... starting today blog King Gadget will discuss trus information about the latest gadgets and old ones, ok now we will discuss first BIG SWEATERS this information we collect from various reliable sources so that you will get complete and correct information, please read.

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Article Clothes, Article Creativity, Article Fall, Article Knitting, Article Vintage,

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Maybe you think they are ugly. Maybe you think they are outdated. But I think nothing quite says "I'm an artsy college student and I shop at thrift stores" like a giant, vintage sweater.

I love big sweaters. They look adorable paired with messy hair, skinny jeans and converse. They are every so cozy (I do not like tight clothes. I avoid them as much as possible). They feel like warm, comfortable fall. And there are multitudes of them @ your local thrift store, in all sorts of colors and patterns. Everything from wild Christmas sweaters (which aren't adorable) to artistic looking ones with bold patterns. Some are horrendously ugly, but others are quite charming.I find ones I like quite often. But I have one problem. I am allergic to wool. Maybe not 100% allergic, but very sensitive. Anything with more than 10% wool makes me break out in red swollen hives and that ruins the adorable outfit big time. Sigh. Woe is me.

Here's some cutesy ones that make me want to snuggle up with an afghan, a notebook/reading book and a cup of tea.

I have one just like this, minus the red and yellow. 
Vintage, bought at Savers, but originally from Gap like 30 years ago.

I like this one a lot. Black and red are my favorites!

 A large sweater and a walk in some beautiful woods? Mmm, yes!

See? How wonderful!
Lot of people wear them with leggings, but I think Skinny Jeans are much better. Tights are a no. I've seen them with flowy skirts too, if you want go for the all around loose and comfy look. 

I need to specify one rule, though. DON'T WEAR IT AS A DRESS, no matter how big it is. That is no longer artsy, it is just trashy. Pants, please and thank you. Strong suggestion: feel free to wear shorts that cover your posterior as well. Much obliged.

so much information BIG SWEATERS

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