Moto 360: Getting better all the time - welcome friends, how are you today? ... hopefully healthy ... starting today blog King Gadget will discuss trus information about the latest gadgets and old ones, ok now we will discuss first Moto 360: Getting better all the time this information we collect from various reliable sources so that you will get complete and correct information, please read.
Quicker access, new Moto Body features and better performance come to Moto 360.
With Google beginning to roll out new Android Wear software for your Moto 360 starting today, you’ll soon be able to access apps and contacts quicker, receive heads-up notifications when you’re using another app, and worry less about your battery for continuously running apps. We’re also adding some new Moto Body features that will make it even easier to make Moto 360 a part of your daily life.
Flick your wrist to scroll forward or backward through your messages.
Instant Emoji Masterpieces
Admit it, life is more fun with emojis. Now you can simply draw something - a burger, a clock with time, a smiley face - and Moto 360 will transform it into an emoji to send to your friends and family.
Stay Connected with Wi-Fi
With Wi-Fi, you’ll be able to use your Moto 360 when you are out of Bluetooth range from your phone.
Always-on Mode
Long running apps like fitness, lists and navigation will stay front and center. If they become inactive, though, this feature will keep displaying the app information in ambient mode.
Quick Access to Apps and Contacts
Just tap or swipe left for your app list and your favorites will float to the top. Two swipes left and your contacts can be reached with a quick tap of a finger for a call, text or e-mail.
Your Notifications
Notifications will no longer be exclusive to your home screen. Even if you're interacting with another app, you’ll see notifications appear at the bottom of the display. And they’ll be stored in your notifications stream for later use.
Moto Body
Moto Body has more choices and more ways to help you set and achieve your fitness goals. Options include an opt-in weekly e-mail summary to stay on top of your goals and the ability to set new calorie goals so you track.
Here’s more on what you can do with your Moto 360. And if you don’t have one of your own, head over to Moto Maker to customize and create your very own.
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