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Jumat, 16 September 2016

Neco released 2016 June/July result

Neco released 2016 June/July result - welcome friends, how are you today? ... hopefully healthy ... starting today blog King Gadget will discuss trus information about the latest gadgets and old ones, ok now we will discuss first Neco released 2016 June/July result this information we collect from various reliable sources so that you will get complete and correct information, please read.

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Neco released 2016 June/July result

The National Examinations Council
(NECO) has released the June/July
2016 Senior Secondary Schools
Registrar of the Council, Prof.
Charles Uwakwe, while announcing
the results at the Headquarters in
Minna, said 88.51 percent of the
candidates got at least five credits
including Mathematics and English
According to him, 905,011 (84.54
per cent) of candidates got 5 credits
and above in English Language while
812,846 (80.16 percent) got 5
credits and above in Mathematics.
He said the comparative analysis of
candidates performance in the
examination for 2015 and 2016
shows that there is one percent (1%)
improvement in the general
performance of candidates in 2016
(88.51%) as compared with 2015
The analysis of candidates
performance by State has Ekiti State
recording the highest of 96.48
percent and Katsina State recording
the least with 72.59 percent.
Prof. Uwakwe said that 1,022,474
candidates in Nigeria and other
countries sat and wrote the
examination out of 1,027,016 who
He said that 43,905 cases of
malpractice was recorded, and the
number of schools involved in mass
cheating as 194, adding that the
results of candidates involved have
been cancelled.
The Registrar said that the council
was able to sustain its timely release
of results at the stipulated time from
the date the last paper was written.


so much information Neco released 2016 June/July result

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