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Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

Why Samsung Galaxy Pocket surface is overheating?

Why Samsung Galaxy Pocket surface is overheating? - welcome friends, how are you today? ... hopefully healthy ... starting today blog King Gadget will discuss trus information about the latest gadgets and old ones, ok now we will discuss first Why Samsung Galaxy Pocket surface is overheating? this information we collect from various reliable sources so that you will get complete and correct information, please read.

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Why Samsung Galaxy Pocket surface is overheating?

The surface of your phone will overheat if you are using it for more than an hour or two. But there are instances that when you leave your phone unused, and then hold it afterwards, it felt hot. This is because at that moment your phone was continuously running and draining your battery.

To prevent this to happen again, simply follow the steps on how to conserve your phone battery.

 Here are some tips to conserve your Samsung Galaxy Pocket's battery

1. As you noticed, if you are using your Google Maps Application or any other Maps Application, your Android Phone's battery drain so fast. It is because the GPS that makes it possible for your Maps Application to work accurately requires more battery. And even if your Maps Application is not running, once the GPS is ON, the battery still draining more than the normal.

So Turn On your GPS only when needed or when you are using the Maps Application.

2. Unchecked your "Background data" under
Settings - > Accounts and snyc -> Background data

If you did so, you will see a popup


What is Background data?
 It allows the applications to sync, send, and receive data at any time.
Therefore, disabling the Background data will reduce the use of battery.

3. Turn On your WiFi only when needed.
All applications installed on your Samsung Galaxy Pocket that have a village to sync on your phone may send an update notification. 
 Also, your phone keeps on scanning available WiFi networks if this option is enabled. Turning off this option will save more battery.
4. Lowering the brightness level of your phone screen.
Go to your Settings -> Display -> Brightness
 normally, lower than 50% brightness level is enough to use during day time.
and 35% brightness level is enough to use during night time. It's still up to you on what brightness level you want.

5. Turn On your Mobile data network only when needed.
Go to your Settings -> Wireless and networks -> Mobile networks
check Use packet data only when you want to internet using your mobile data connection. Unchecking this option doesn't mean that you won't receive SMS or calls.

6. Install battery saving application on your phone.
 I installed this app on my phone
 I am not affiliate with that app, I just want to share what I have on my phone. You can search battery saving applications on then read first what the users review for the app then based on what you've read, decide whether to install it or not.
 That application helps me to automatically turn ON/OFF my WiFi and Mobile data connection and other stuffs, which helps save the battery of my phone.

so much information Why Samsung Galaxy Pocket surface is overheating?

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Related : Why Samsung Galaxy Pocket surface is overheating?

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