Download Whole Wikipedia is not possible because Wikipedia is giant collection of documents. In that time Wikipedia is the most popular place to find all type of documents in different ,languages. With Wikipedia we can increase our knowledge. But we can't access Wikipedia without Internet. So in this post I tell you how can you download Wikipedia Collection of Articles in Computer for Offline Reading.
In here we use Kiwix Software for downloading Whole Wikipedia Articles,Wikileaks Articles and Much More. Kiwix is Best Offline Wikipedia Articles Reader.
When you download and install Kiwix software on Windows you get this dialog box.
Press ‘Yes’ when you get this option on startup.
When Catalogue is ready you find Collection of Articles. These Wikipedia Collection Comes is Different Size Like 30GB,4GB and More. When you find your type of articles click on download button.
Kiwix is open .zim extension file .So you can download direct these type of files from IDM.
Direct Links for Downloading Offline Wikipedia Articles Collection.
Kiwix Software is come for All platforms so you can download and offline browse Wikipedia in Android,Mac OS-X,Linux and Windows.
Download Kiwix
In here we use Kiwix Software for downloading Whole Wikipedia Articles,Wikileaks Articles and Much More. Kiwix is Best Offline Wikipedia Articles Reader.
When you download and install Kiwix software on Windows you get this dialog box.
Press ‘Yes’ when you get this option on startup.
When Catalogue is ready you find Collection of Articles. These Wikipedia Collection Comes is Different Size Like 30GB,4GB and More. When you find your type of articles click on download button.
Kiwix is open .zim extension file .So you can download direct these type of files from IDM.
Direct Links for Downloading Offline Wikipedia Articles Collection.
Kiwix Software is come for All platforms so you can download and offline browse Wikipedia in Android,Mac OS-X,Linux and Windows.
Download Kiwix
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